Digital Tutors - Introduction to Animation in Maya
种子大小:1.22 GB
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- 22. Transferring animation with Character Sets and the Trax Editor.flv111.84 MB
- 02. Exploring the Animation Preferences.flv102.07 MB
- 03. Finishing our walk-through of the Animation Preferences and adjusting the Time Slider settings.flv92.62 MB
- Project_Files.rar67.1 MB
- 27. Animating with constraints.flv65.86 MB
- 24. Editable Motion Trails.flv61.47 MB
- 23. Ghosting animation sequences.flv59.33 MB
- 26. Animating objects along a path.flv50.58 MB
- 04. Playback controls and the Time Slider.flv50.31 MB
- 20. Efficiently modifying a group of keyframes via the Graph Editor.flv47.46 MB
- 10. The Graph Editor.flv45.85 MB
- 11. Function curve interpolation types.flv43.91 MB
- 18. Baking animations.flv42.78 MB
- 13. Reversing animation with the Scale Keys tool.flv39.93 MB
- 08. Manipulating keys on the Time Slider.flv38.2 MB
- 05. Setting keyframes.flv36.55 MB
- 28. Creating real-time previews with Playblasts.flv34.15 MB
- 17. Automating movement with expressions.flv33.56 MB
- 06. A look at the Set Key tool.flv31.96 MB
- 16. Animating an infinite cycle.flv31.44 MB
- 25. The Grease Pencil and Animation Layers.flv29.65 MB
- 14. Breaking tangents.flv25.01 MB
- 12. Utilizing Buffer Curves.flv22.96 MB
- 15. Moving holds and Weighted Tangents.flv19.65 MB
- 19. Optimizing animation data.flv17.38 MB
- 21. Gimbal Lock and the Euler Filter.flv15.64 MB
- 09. Working with Key Ticks.flv12.48 MB
- 07. Adding moving holds.flv11.86 MB
- 01. Introduction and project overview.flv9.97 MB